Welcome Miss Hailey

Hailey Links:
Birth Story
Growth Stats

Family Links
Noah & Jaidyn

About Hailey
Born: 7-27-05
At: 8:51 AM

Birth Stats:
7 lbs 11 oz
21 inches

1 Day Stats:
7 lbs 5 oz
21 inches

2 Week Stats:
8 lbs 13 oz
21 1/4 inches

2 Months Stats:
12 lbs 13 oz
23 inches

4 Month Stats:
16 lbs 3 oz
24 1?2 inches

6 Month Stats:
18 lbs 14 oz
25 1/2 in

Newest Milestones:
Crawling, Sitting
on her own. (6 months)

Upcoming Events:
Valentines Day (2-14)
Mommy's Birthday (3/29)

Other Links:
Older entries

Hailey Elizabeth

2006-05-06 ~ 9:18 p.m.

9 months & Pictures

Its been forever. I am so sorry. Life is very busy!

Hailey is 9 months old and doing wonderful.

She crawls, pulls up and walks along the furniture, she gets into everything and is just plan adorable. She is always smiling and happy.

She sleeps wonderful for the most part. Though she goes through spells were she wakes up several times at night for a day or two and then back to only waking once.

I can't say enough good things about her. She is so easy going and happy all the time. People always come up and tell me how cute she is and she just smiles at everyone. When we go to family things and all these people she doesn't know well are around, she will grin and go to them all. She is just so easy.

She has an appt next week for her 9 month check up. She was supposed to go the week she turned 9 months old, but we ended up going out of town, so I changed it. But anyway she is a big girl. She is wearing 12 months clothes!! Some are even 18 months! wow. Chase just went from 18 months to 2T just a few months ago and here Hailey is almost caught up!

Here are a couple pictures of her from the other day:



My Girls:

And Hailey two more times:

OKay I lied it was 3 more pictures. I couldn't resist!!

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