Welcome Miss Hailey

Hailey Links:
Birth Story
Growth Stats

Family Links
Noah & Jaidyn

About Hailey
Born: 7-27-05
At: 8:51 AM

Birth Stats:
7 lbs 11 oz
21 inches

1 Day Stats:
7 lbs 5 oz
21 inches

2 Week Stats:
8 lbs 13 oz
21 1/4 inches

2 Months Stats:
12 lbs 13 oz
23 inches

4 Month Stats:
16 lbs 3 oz
24 1?2 inches

6 Month Stats:
18 lbs 14 oz
25 1/2 in

Newest Milestones:
Crawling, Sitting
on her own. (6 months)

Upcoming Events:
Valentines Day (2-14)
Mommy's Birthday (3/29)

Other Links:
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Hailey Elizabeth

2005-09-27 ~ 7:54 a.m.

2 months old

Happy 2 Months Miss Hailey!

WOW. She is 2 months old today. 2 months ago I was preparing to give birth at this time.

wow. its going so very very fast.

She is rolling, she is lifting her upper body and head very well when on her belly. She is grinning all the time, cooing on and off.

She is just seeming so big. She isn't supposed to roll over yet! lol None of my others rolled until 3 months. Her she has it down and she just turned 2 months.

Tomorrow is her well baby visit. I can't wait to see how big she is.

She is sleeping 5-8 hours at a time at night. Its awesome. She is a great sleeper.

Though yesterday she didn't sleep much at all. She nursed all day long pretty much. Naps were like 10 minutes here and there.

She has kind of her own little schedule. Its funny because she does this on her own. She goes to bed between 10:30-11:30 almost every night. She wakes up between 4-6 am to nurse and then right back to sleep until about 7-8. Then she is up for awhile and normally goes back to sleep around 12:30 or so and sleeps a couple hours.

Its weird because Chase never was predictable like that. I think my other two were but not Chase. He never slept. lol

Anyway she is perfect still. Nurses wonderfully. Sleeps better then I could have hoped for. She is just a very very good baby. Well all babies are good but I mean she isn't demanding, fussy, etc. She is just calm, quiet and happy. Though put her in the carseat when she doesn't want to be there and she screams and screams and screams.

I can not believe she is 2 months old

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