Welcome Miss Hailey

Hailey Links:
Birth Story
Growth Stats

Family Links
Noah & Jaidyn

About Hailey
Born: 7-27-05
At: 8:51 AM

Birth Stats:
7 lbs 11 oz
21 inches

1 Day Stats:
7 lbs 5 oz
21 inches

2 Week Stats:
8 lbs 13 oz
21 1/4 inches

2 Months Stats:
12 lbs 13 oz
23 inches

4 Month Stats:
16 lbs 3 oz
24 1?2 inches

6 Month Stats:
18 lbs 14 oz
25 1/2 in

Newest Milestones:
Crawling, Sitting
on her own. (6 months)

Upcoming Events:
Valentines Day (2-14)
Mommy's Birthday (3/29)

Other Links:
Older entries

Hailey Elizabeth

2005-07-28 ~ 6:08 p.m.


Guess what?

Hailey Elizabeth is here!!

She was 7 lbs 11 oz and 21 inches tall. She was born yesterday on July 27, 2005 at 8:51 am.

After I posted here the other night I went and laid down with Brian. We talked and such for awhile. By 5:30 am the contractions got regular. At 6:35 they were 5 minutes apart. Brian decided we needed to go to the hospital. I didn't think we needed to go, because I was having too easy of a time inbetween contractions. But he took the kids next door to my sister and we headed to the hospital.

We got there at 7 am. I walked in, filled out my own paper work inbetween contractions and told Brian "This is going to be a false alarm. I just know it"

They took me into a little triage room and checked me. The nurse goes "Oh no"

Brian said, "What does that mean?"

The nurse says "Your a 8 to 9 cm. and we don't have any real rooms available."

That was at 7:20. Just a few minutes later they found me a room. The doctor broke my water and I was a 9. At 8:45 I told Brian to get the doctotr the baby was coming right then. The doctor came in and the baby was on her way out. 3 pushes later at 8:51 am Hailey was born.

She is wonderful. Healthy and I just love her to pieces. Noah and Jaidyn love her as well and Chase just looks at her.

We got home this evening and everything is great. She has a full head of dark hair and a big temper!!

Here is one picture of her. I ahve more just haven't had time to upload them yet:

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Lilypie Baby Ticker

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